(From Anna’s/Shannon’s February newsletter)
Welcome to the first-ever newsletter for both my pen names: Anna Argent and Shannon K. Butcher! Going forward, this will be the place for news about events, signings, releases, and any other information from either name. I’m so glad to have you here!
A Quick Update
I’m hard at work on book three of the Lost Shards series, which is scheduled to come out in early summer 2019—just in time for some sizzling beach reading. I’m also about halfway through book eleven of the Sentinel Wars, which will be out in the fall of 2019. Both projects are going well and I can’t wait to share them with you!
I Need Your Help
I’ve always had a low number of reviews compared to my book sales. I don’t know why this is, but my guess is that my readers are a lot like me. You have kids, spouses, active social lives, and jobs—possibly more than one. You don’t have much time to read, much less leave a review for a book you’ve already read. I get it. Believe me. But it does pose a challenge.
Online reviews are more important than ever, especially with the huge influx of self-published titles in recent years. Reviews can mean the difference between getting a publishing contract for a new series or not. They can mean the difference between getting optioned for TV or movies or not. They can affect how many languages a book is translated into and whether or not audio books or video games are produced. All those things often rest in the hands of readers, which is where they should be.
Which brings me to the first of two favors I need to ask. First, it would mean the world to me if you would go out today to your favorite online book vendor and leave a review for one or more of my books you’ve read. You don’t have to write long paragraphs unless you like—just a few words or even a simple star rating would really help.
Second, to deal with this challenge proactively, I’m starting a review club where some fans can get advanced copies of my upcoming works for review. This club is open to everyone who likes to leave reviews. Just fill out this form, including a link to a review you’ve left of one of my books, old or new, good or bad. You’ll be added to the club and could be among the first to read the next Anna Argent and Shannon K. Butcher books.
As hard as it is for me to ask for favors from readers who’ve already given me so much, I feel this is an important step toward building my career—one I hope will continue to grow so I can bring you years of stories to come. Heaven knows I’ve got enough ideas swirling around in my head to keep me busy for a few more decades. 😊
Wishing you all the best in the new year!
Anna Argent/Shannon K. Butcher